Seed to Seed With Upominki (2019)
Curatorial event series
Curatorial event series
6 April – 30 June 2019
Looking at collaborative action as a means to create space, Upominki asks what happens if the creation of a garden is public? Can a collective experience form a spatial quality?
Over the next few months Upominki will host artist and curator Gill Baldwin, embarking on a series of research around the act of gardening, community and collective action. On Friday April 5th the project kicks off with an exhibition of the artists Minji Choi and Seokyung Kim’s work titled Manifesto for Living Beings, a typographic poster series depicting recommendations by the Ethics Committee on Non Human Biotechnology (ENCH).
Taking a closer look at the urban green spaces in the neighbourhood, we have created a reading bench, displaying a series of DIY local publications made by the creators of the spaces within Oude Westen. This includes a DIY publication made by artist Marie-Sarah Simon. Klimaten, a story of five different gardens and vogels zingen midden in de stad, telling the history of the Wijkpark and the Wijktuin. Both generously provided by Wilma Kruger from Werkgroep Wijktuin and Aktiegroep Het Oude Westen. Special thanks to volunteers for Amelie Unger, Magdalena Wierzbicka and Salvador Miranda, for maintenance and care of the garden. Our participant group is always expanding, including ongoing collaborations with performance artist Sophie Schmidt and many more to come.
Admission to the space is requested in the donation of a package of seeds, a plant, soil or even a deceased plant. We don’t mind! Together using the gardening tools provided we invite you to collectively plant your donation, contributing to Upominki first ever indoor window garden.
Funding generously provided by Rotterdam Gemeente and the Bekker- la Bastide Fund Foundation